

DT12 (Cairo, Egypt)

The 12th International Conference
Desert Technology (DT 12)

DT12 First Announcement
First Annoncement 13-3-2015.pdf
PDFファイル 581.0 KB


This is the 12th in a series of Desert Technology conferences since 1991. These conferences focus on desertification issues & multidisciplinary solutions such as:

 Special characteristics and benefits of desert ecosystems

 Mechanism of desertification and its management

 Appropriate technologies for developed and developing regions

The conferences provide opportunities for researchers to learn & exchange knowledge through technical presentations, participation in productive working groups, and in informal discussions. The issues of desertification are a global concern, requiring continued & expanding research to mitigate the consequences. Building upon previous experiences & accomplishments, DT 12 offers an opportunity to participate in discussions & the presentation of research projects (including natural, technological & human sciences) aimed at overcoming constraints of desertification. The conference welcomes researchers and educators associated with deserts & arid regions from diverse areas of arid zone science.




Conference language: English

Closing dates:

Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 1, 2015

Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2015

Manuscript Submission Deadline: September 15, 2015

Abstract Guidelines

* Title, author name(s) in full spelling with affiliation(s), 300-400 words abstract in English & contact person’s name & email address *

The papers presented in the conference will be published in The Journal of Arid Land Studies after a critical peer review process. A poster session will also be part of the conference.

日本沙漠学会2023年 第34回学術大会開催(5/27-28)について



学会誌《沙漠研究編集業務について 2018/4/1


学会事務の一部を外部委託することになりました 2016/8/2


学会誌「沙漠研究」Vol25 (2015)~ J-STAGE公開
"Journal of Arid Land Studies" is open to public  from vol. 25 (2015) via J-STAGE





Kosa blowing over the East China Sea from the mainland China. ©NASA
Kosa blowing over the East China Sea from the mainland China. ©NASA